Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week four summary

This week, our group had two assignments. First, we were to compose a one page abstract that summarizes our specific action plan. In our abstract, we discuss the importance of mechanical engineering and what they do for the automotive industry. The concepts that we have created use technology to introduce mechanical engineering as a profession. More importantly, it teaches users and employers the importance of keeping our environment clean from fuel from automotives. The second assignment was to compose an outline of what we are going to be presenting to our company. In the outline, we again introduce the problem and set up a goal that we want to accomplish for our concepts. We then created a series of questions that one would ask about each specific concept.


Group 1 has devised 3 concepts that integrate technology into our company’s business of selling filters for the automotive industry. The proposed concepts teach users and clients about the harmful effects of fuel on the environment. Ideas use the concepts of video games and virtual reality.

Our goal is not only to educate users, but be profitable to our company. Also, by training employers using the virtual reality, they will have a safer work environment which can potentially reduce costs.

Concept 1:
An interactive web based video game that shows how our products go above and beyond the competitors.
· What would it do?
· How would it benefit the company?
· Is it cost effective?
· How would it work?
· Who would use it or benefit from it?
· How would it be maintained?
· Who would make/design it?
· Where would we upload it to?

Concept 2:
An interactive computer based video game simulation used to train new workers to operate machinery or proper job procedures.
· How would training differ with it?
· What are the benefits of simulated training?
· Cost effectiveness?
· How does it work?
· Maintenance costs/training?
· Design and implementation?
· Advantages over regular training?
Concept 3:

An interactive video game that shows how our company goes above and beyond the competitor’s products and innovation.
· How would this educate people about Kuss’s products?
· What are the benefits of advertising with videogames?
· Cost effectiveness?
· How will it work?
· Who will operate it/ maintenance?
· Who will Design and create?
· Advantages over regular advertising?
· Will it get people’s attention?
· Will it encourage people to buy Kuss products?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Mechanical engineering is a type of engineering that uses the principles from physics and material science to develop and design many different products and services. These engineers are known to have knowledge in mechanics, statics, vibrations, kinematics, heat transfer, material science, energy, thermodynamics, and drafting. Mechanical Engineers analyze their designs with different tools to make sure it is safe, reliable, efficient, and cost effective. They also use the principles as well as the knowledge of their field to design and analyze different types of industrial equipment as well as machinery, motor vehicles, aircrafts, watercrafts and many more. In essence almost any product or service used in everyday life has been influenced by a mechanical engineer. Our program introduces these types of techniques that are required in the field of mechanical engineering by applying the principles of engineering.

Our program is intended to use advanced technology as a tool to introduce mechanical engineering to those who might choose this profession. We also want to make the field of mechanical engineering safer, when working with any high powered machinery accidents can easily occur. More importantly, it will give a closer look to fuel filters in regards to environmental safety and production. Our products use the ideas of virtual reality and interactive video games to help teach the principles and techniques used every day in mechanical engineering. Not only does it educate people but it will give new workers on site training like they are in the work place but they will be on a videogame learning the dangers of the workplace. We feel that if it helps prevent any injuries then this technology would be a great addition to our company.

In addition to spreading interest in mechanical engineering to others, our program is intended to also improve awareness in those already involved in mechanical engineering, as well as helping to allow growth and development in the field. By integrating videogame systems into a marketable product, this program is intended to help keep the field growing and increase its marketability. Our program also decreases the possibility of on site injuries and fatalities that may occur during training, which keeps the business from suffering any major losses as well as keeping trainee’s safe.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Week Three Summary

This week, our assignment was to propose a general solution to our company’s problem. After having done research, it was found the consumers are concerned about the environment in regards to fuel from our vehicles. Our group proposed three potential concepts that help expand knowledge to our clients in relation to fuel filters and its’ relationship with the environment. The first concept is an interactive video game that lets players pretend they are driving in urban and rural areas. Questions will pop up about how the certain parts of the environments are affected due to fuel from cars. Players must answer each question correctly in order to move on to a different level of the game. Concept two is another interactive game that uses stimulation to help train workers on how to operate machinery and to learn proper job procedures. The game will take place right in the factory area that they would be assigned to, and the concept of the game is for them to go through their basic training by way of a virtual simulation. Using motion capturing technology similar to that used in the Nintendo Wii, the trainee will go through the job process that they would have been assigned to do but with no risk of harm to themselves or others. Concept three is another interactive video game. Kuss Filteration would use this interactive video game on the company’s website to show its’ consumers how it plans to better protect the environment. By having this on the website, consumers can interactively click on each part of a filter and a description will be presented on what exactly it does for the vehicle and how that technology outdoes the competitors.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Client Overview- Kuss Filteration

Kuss Filteration, based in Findlay, OH, has been making filters since 1949. The company is owned by Fleetguard that employs 325 workers. Many of its’ products are used worldwide and is globally recognized as a leader in filter development. This company has received numerous awards for it’s’ products and design innovation. When Kuss released its first automotive product in 1951, it earned a place in a variety of automotive products. Some of the systems include fuel, ABS, power steering, lubrication, fluid reservoir, transmissions and drive train. Kuss also provides in-line fuel filters, gas filled shock absorber bag, and other filters for other industries The key product Kuss makes is the molded in tank fuel filters which are in 80% of US cars and trucks. This company also provides five different types of filter designs; miniature, band, basket, pleated paper, and panel, along with complete service that ranges from initial design and modeling, to performance testing and production. Kuss Filteration uses a variety of materials in their products including resins, nylon, polyester, polypropylene, felt, and hydrophilic and hydrophobic material. Kuss stands behind their filters and their product and offers comprehensive testing services in the industry. By working with a team approach, from the start of a new product to sales, Kuss works with their clients in relations to their concerns in the filtration process. The team closely monitors each phase of the filters of it’s’ process to its’ highest quality and efficiency. With five years of experience in the industry, Kuss works with today’s changing industrial society to provide the most efficient process available. Kuss Filteration engineers are among the best in the world. They hire only the most qualified individuals to maintain their reputation as the producer of the world’s best filters. The engineers are trained on the most up to date technology and the filtration laboratories are equipped with the latest commercial training equipment.
Since 1986, Kuss is been owned by a company named Fleetguard, who are world leaders’ in filtration and exhaust products for heavy duty diesel engines. Fleetguard employees over 6000 people in six different continents, which also has three strategic base units. Fleetguard currently holds over 200 patents for global technology and the company has also won many awards and recognitions. Fleetguard currently owns the largest global product coverage in the industry. Fleetguards main issue today is with environmental safety, they are currently working on exhaust after-treatment solutions to minimize diesel exhaust pollution globally. The future plans of Fleetguard are to continually develop improving technologies to both help the environment and the efficiency of their products. They hope to stay ahead of the industry with new never before seen products and innovation.

Summary of second week group work

Starting off for week two of our group work we were assigned the task of researching and choosing a company in the field that we specified, our choice having been the engineering field, and we chose Kuss Filtration. After looking through and researching different companies our group decided to use this one for the assignment because it is a large, long lasting company that has been doing business and survived through the years. The overview of the company gives a basic look into the company to show a bit of it's history and what exactly it is that they do.

Summary of first week of group work.

Groups were created by commonality in major fields and similarities in the career that each member wanted to pursue in the future. Our group is comprised of Sara Yackee, Markis Peth, Joel Long, and Corey Kopaniasz. The first task that needed to be completed was meeting and getting contact information from each group member. Our first assignment as a group however consisted of coming together as a group to create a survey to distribute to twenty individuals a piece. Once each member had accomplished this task we presented our findings and created one summary of the results and general findings that we noticed from the data collected. After each group member displayed their view of the data, a general consensus was reached about trends that were noticed and basic commonality between results in the survey answers and survey takers. That covers the first part of our group work, but not the first week of real group work.

Our first real week of group work consisted of creating a group memo that outlines our leadership and organization. This includes the way we facilitate and complete group assignments. After discussing the issue among ourselves we decided on how everything should be run and how we will communicate with one another to finish our work on time. Once we all came to agreement we finalized the memo and submitted it to our professor Dr. Dubose.